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The Sex Dictionary
The Letter S
How To Have Good Sex, Inc.

an offering to propitiate, obtain forgiveness, make amend, or gain favor. sacrificial/expiatory paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates sinful lust into the lovemap on the condition that it requires reparation or atonement by way of penance and sacrifice, since it irrevocably defiles saintly love.

Sadism: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on [and dependent upon] being the authority who variously imposes abuse, torture, punishment, discipline, humiliation, obedience, and servitude (named after the Marquis de Sade, 1740-1814, French author and sadist). The reciprocal paraphilic condition is masochism.

Sadistic(adjective): the condition of being responsive or dependent on punishing or humiliating one's partner in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate orgasm. A person, especially a woman, may impersonate a sadist to oblige masochistic partners for commercial gain.

Sadomasochism (S/M): sadism and masochism viewed as reciprocals or counterparts of one another, and possibly alternating in the same person.

Sadomasochistic sacrifice: a paraphilic ritual in which sexuoerotic fulfillment requires sadistic dominance in reciprocal interaction with masochistic victimization, and/or vice versa, with or without mutual consent.

S and M (S/M): see sadism; masochism; sadomasochism.

Satellite: in genetics, a small mass attached to the end of the short arm of some chromosomes.

Satyr: in Greek mythology, a woodland deity, usually depicted as having the hind end of a hairy, hoofed goat and the head end of a horned man, an attendant of Bacchus, fond of merriment and lechery.

Satyriasis: the compulsive condition in a male of recurrent sexual intercourse with different female partners, promiscuously and without falling in love, but not as a paid gigolo, hustler, or call boy. in psychiatry, a term loosely applied to a male believed to have an insatiable sexual appetite. Synonym, Don Juanism. Antonym, nymphomania. See also satyr.

Scat: paraphilic vernacular term for coprophilia [from Greek, skatos, dung]

Scatology (adjective, scatological): literally the study of excrement; metaphorically, the study of verbal or graphic material legally defined as filthy or obscene and pertaining to sexual rather than excremental activity. A scatophilic telephone caller talks sexually in a manner that he expects will be offensive or shocking to a female listener who does not know him. He is dependent on this maneuver to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

Scoptolagnia: sexuoerotic gratification produced by watching people engaged in sexual activity [from Greek, sopein, to view + lagneia, lust]. See also mixoscopia; scoptophilia. scopophilia: see scoptophilia.

Scoptophilia (or scopophilia; adjective, scotophilic): a paraphilia of the solicitational/ allurative type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on watching others engaging in sexual activity, including sexual intercourse [from Greek, skopein, to view + -philia]. the condition in which a person is dependent on looking at sexual organs and watching their coital performance in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate and achieve orgasm. It is not surreptitious, as in voyeurism. The reciprocal paraphilic condition is sometimes also referred to as scoptophilia; or by its own name, autagonistophilia. Synonyms, mixophilia; mixoscopia; scopophilia. See also scoptolagnia; troilism

Satyr: in Greek mythology, a woodland deity, usually depicted as having the hind end of a hairy, hoofed goat and the head end of a horned man, an attendant of Bacchus, fond of merriment and lechery.

Satyriasis: in psychiatry, a term loosely applied to a male believed to have an insatiable sexual appetite. See also satyr; nymphomania.

Schema (plural, schemas or schemata): a plan, outline, or arrangement, which may be mental as well as physical [from Greek, schenza, form, shape].

Schizophrenia: a major mental illness or psychosis characterized primarily, though not exclusively, by disordered thinking, ideation, and logic [from Greek, schizein, to divide + phren, mind]. Etymologically it means divided mentation. Colloquially it is erroneously used to mean split personality or dual personality. See also fugue; multiple personality.

Scrotum (adjective, scrotal): the bag or sac that hangs below the penis and houses the testicles or balls. See orchidectomy. secret vice: masturbation. Synonyms, self-abuse; self-pollution; solitary vice; autoeroticism. Antonym, social vice.

Secular law: law under the control of the judiciary, not the church. See also canon law. self-isolation: phobic withdrawal from social interaction. serendipitous: discovered or recognized by chance, often in the course of another undertaking, and not as a result of organized planning.

Sensate focus: a term introduced by Masters and Johnson to refer to the procedure in sex therapy whereby each partner in turn explores the sensory responsivity of the other, especially through the sense of touch, as in fondling, and stopping short of penovaginal intercourse. serial killing: See erotophonophilia.

Serotonin: an indolamine that is active as a neurotransmitter substance in the brain essential to brain functioning. On sexual pathways it acts as an inhibitor. See also dopamine; indolamine; catecholamine; biogenic amine.

Sex (noun.): one's personal and reproductive status as male or female, or uncertain, as declared on the basis of the external genitalia. Also, a vernacular synonym for genital interaction, as in the expression, to have sex.

Sex adjunctive: characteristic of male/female differences that are tertiary or subsidiary to sex-derivative, secondary differences, and are only peripherally related to sex-hormonal differences with respect to the division of labor between the sexes.

Sex adventitious: characteristic of male/female differences that are quaternary or subsidiary to sex-adjunctive, tertiary differences, and are more or less fortuitously a product of cultural history with respect to the division of power between the sexes.

Sexaholics Anonymous: analogously to Alcoholics Anonymous, a network of self-help therapy groups for people with a particular sexual compulsion or addiction.

Sex chromatin: a spot that shows up when stained on the nucleus of cells taken from mammalian females, but not males, and is attributed to the inactivated second X chromosome; it is also called the Barr body (named after Murray L. Barr, 1908-).

Sex derivative: characteristic of male/female differences that are secondary or subsidiary to sex-irreducible, primary differences, and are for the most part under the influence of sex hormones.

Sex irreducible: characteristic of male/female differences that are primary and nontransferable between male and female, namely, male impregnation and female ovulation, menstruation, gestation, and lactation.

Sexaholics Anonymous: analogous to Alcoholics Anonymous, a network of self-help therapy groups for people with a particular sexual compulsion or addiction.

Sexing-stealing-lying syndrome: a syndrome in which a forbidden or illicit sexual activity coexists with kleptomanic stealing, as in shoplifting, which is not per se erotic, and with confabulatory deception or pseudologia fantastica (fantastic or fictitious logic).

Sexism: "Discrimination or disapproval directed at people because of their sex is called 'sexism,' just as discrimination against people because of their race is called 'racism'. Usually sexism is based on the belief that a person's sex, whether male of female, would interfere with their performance of certain social roles, such as an occupation or a position of importance in a corporation or a profession or a church. Thus, gatekeepers - the people who hold power in a society or an institution - often believe that women or men cannot and should not do certain work because their sex gives them incapacitites that make them unable to perform as expected or because others in the society would be angry or uncomfortable at finding them in certain jobs. Women have encountered sexism when denied jobs as supervisors or executives. Men have encountered sexsim when school directors refused to hire them as nursey school teachers or airlines excluded them from jobs as flight attendants. (From Dr. Ruth's Encyclopedia of Sex)

Sexist: See Sexism

Sexology: the body of knowledge that comprises the science of sex, or, more precisely, the science of the differentiation and dimorphism of sex and of the erotic/sexual pairbonding of partners. Its primary data are behavioropsychological and somatic, and its primary organs are the genitalia, the skin, and the brain. The scientific subdivisions of sexology are genetic, morphologic, hormonal, neurohormonal, neuroanatomical, neurochemical, pharmacological, behavioral, sociocultural, conceptive-contraceptive, gestational-parturitional, and parental sexology. The life-span subdivisions of sexology are embryonal-fetal, infantile, child, pubertal, adolescent, adult, and gerontal [geriatric] sexology. See also sexosophy.

Sexophobia (adjective, sexophobic): dread or fear of the sex organs and of whatever pertains to them [from sex + Greek, phobos, fear or fright].

Sexosophy: the body of knowledge that compromises the philosophy, principles, and knowledge that people have about their own personally experienced eroticism and sexuality and that of other people, singly and collectively. It includes values, personal and shared, and it encompasses culturally transmitted value systems. Its subdivisions are historical, regional, ethnic, religious, and developmental or life span. See also sexology.

Sex roles: specifically, patterns of behavior and thought that are related to the sex organs and procreation; generally, behavior and thought that is traditionally or stereotypically classified or coded as typical of, or especially suited to, either one sex or the other. Some sex roles are related to procreation, and some are not. See also gender-identity/role ; G-I/R.

Sexual (noun, sexuality): pertaining to sex or, more particularly, the stimulation, responsiveness, and functions of the sex organs either alone or with one or more partners. See also erotic.

Sexual addiction: compulsively frequent reiteration of highly ritualized usage of the sex organs, under conditions of extreme specificity. The addiction is not to sex, generically, but to a particular animate or inanimate sexuoerotic stimulus, or type of stimulus, that is incorporated into the ritual activity. The activity itself may or may not qualify as paraphilic. The analogue of sexual addiction to a given stimulus is drinking addiction to alcohol, from which the concept derives. See also Sexaholics Anonymous.

Sexual drive: the personal and subjective desire or feeling of readiness to have an erotosexual experience. It cannot be measured directly.

Sexuality (adjective, sexual): the personal experience and manifest expression of one's status as male or female, especially as it relates to the genital organs, pair-bondedness, and reproduction. See also eroticism.

Sexually dimorphic nucleus: in the preoptic area (SDN: POA) or region of the hypothalamus, a group of cells so named (by Roger Gorski) because it is smaller in females than males.

Sexual rehearsal play: motions and positions observable in human and other primate infantile and juvenile play, such as pelvic thrusting and presenting, and coital positioning, that are components of, and prerequisites to healthy sexuoreotic maturity in human and other primates. Synonymns, sexuerotic and erotosexual rehearsal play.

Sexuoerotic: the sexual and the erotic experienced as a unity, with more emphasis on sexual behavior than erotic imagery. See also erotic; erotosexual; sexual.

Sexuoerotic body image fixation: A disorder of the solicitational and allurative strategem. The personal and private recognition of the locations and functions of the sexuoerotic organs or regions of one's body upon which is superimposed in a highly idiosyncratic and nonconfirmable way a retrospective projection of how they are in the process of undergoing change, or should be changed. A sexuoerotic body image fixation may be benign as, for example, to have sexually significant body parts ornamentally tattooed or pierced; or it may be not benign, as for example to become a eunuch by genital self-amputation, of which the fortuitous outcome may be to bleed to death.

Shaman (adjective, shamanistic): a priestly healer and mediating agent of the spirit world.

Sickle-cell disease: a genetically transmitted form of anemia, characterized by sickle-shaped red blood cells and abnormal hemogoblin.

Sinus: a hollow cavity, sac, pouch, or opening, such as urogenital sinus.

Sissy boy: a vernacular term applied to a boy whose developmental differentiation of gender-identity/role (G-I/R) is in variable degree discordant with the evidence of his genital morphology. See also tomboy.

Sisyphus: in Greek mythology, a crafty, greedy King of Corinth who was condemned in the underworld to roll uphill a huge stone which constantly rolled back downhill instead of going over the top.

Slave: sadomasochistic vernacular term for the masochistic partner whose role is one of total subservience and obedience. Antonyms, master; dominatrix. sleeping princess (or prince)

Syndrome: see somnophilia.

Social distancing: absence of sociable approach or response to other people that is phobic rather than depressive, catatonic, or autistic aloneness.

Social vice: promiscuous-sex, chiefly with prostitutes or hustlers. Antonym, secret vice.

Solicitation: invitation; incitement.

Sodomy: a legally defined term variously applied to zoophilia, and to mouth-genital or anal-genital contact between human beings, especially males [from the Biblical city of Sodom].It is not a paraphilia Synonym, buggery.

Solicitational/allurative paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates lust into the lovemap on the condition that an invitatory act belonging to the preliminary or proceptive phase be substituted for the copulatory act of the central or acceptive phase, thus ensuring that saintly love be not defiled by sinful lust.

Solipsism: a principle or doctrine that the self knows only its own experiences[from Latin, solus, alone + ipse, self]; (adjective, solipsistic): the concept that the self is the only verifiable knowledge, or that knowing exists in private. Thus a color-seeing person never knows what it is like to see the world as a color-blind person sees it.

Somatic: pertaining to the cells and structures of the body, and their function.

Somesthetic (noun, somesthetics): in sex therapy, treatment, treatment that involves the skin senses as in touch, pressure (massage), hot/cold, wet/day, and sensuous body-contact grooming.

Somatotropin: growth hormone; it is secreted by the pituitary gland.

Somnophilia: the sleeping princess syndrome, a paraphilia of the marauding/predatory type in which erotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on intruding on and awakening a sleeping stranger with erotic caresses, including oral sex, not involving force or violence [from Latin, somnus, sleep + -philia). There is no technical term for the reciprocal paraphilic condition of being the recipient, which occurs more readily in fantasy than in actuality. See also sleeping princess (or prince) syndrome; (adjective, somnophilic): the condition in which a person is dependent on intruding upon and fondling a partner who is a stranger asleep, or fantasying doing so, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.

Spermatorrhea: the term for ejaculation while asleep and having an erotosexual dream, medically used in the era when this normal occurrence was falsely classified as pathology. Synonym, wet dream.

Statistical norm: the standard of what is normal as defined by what the middle 50 percent of a community represent in what they are, and in what they say and/or do.

Statistics (adjective, statistical): systematic collection, classification, and mathematical compilation of evidence or information with respect to its amount, range, frequency, or prevalence.

Statutory rape: sexual intercourse with someone who, by legal statute, is defined as unqualified to give consent, usually because of being underage; the law applies even if the accused partner, a boy, is the younger of the pair, and was actually seduced by the girl.

STD: sexually transmitted disease, including but not limited to contagious genital infections.

Steroid hormones: a class of hormone biochemically constructed of the same components of which fats (lipids) are made They include the hormones of the testis, ovary, and adrenal cortex. See also peptide hormones.

Steroids (singular, steroid): the general or generic name for physiological compounds comprising, among others, sex hormones and adrenocortical hormones, and other body chemistries.

Stigmata: (singularstigma): signs, marks, or features that indicate special fitness or suitability. Synonym, stigmas.

Stigmatic/eligibilic paraphilia: one of a group of paraphilias characterized by triumph wrested developmentally from sexuoerotic tragedy by means of a strategy that incorporates lust into the lovemap on the condition that the partner be, like a pagan infidel, unqualified or ineligible to be a saint defiled.

Stigmatophilia: a paraphilia of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and contingent on a partner who has been tattooed, scarified, or pierced for the wearing of gold jewelry (bars or rings), especially in the genital region [from Greek, stigma, mark + -philia]. The same term applies to the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which the self is similarly decorated .

Stimulus-response theory: in psychology, the theory that human responsivity is determined by contingencies of reward and punishment in the external environment.

Stockholm syndrome: the name for the bond of attraction that sometimes develops between abuser and abused, molester and molested, captor and captive, and in particular between terrorist and hostage. The term stems from the recent case of a woman held hostage at a bank in Stockholm, Sweden, who became so pairbondedly attached to one of the robbers that she broke her engagement to her prehostage lover and remained faithful to her captor during his prison term.

Stratagem: a strategy or plan that is circuitous and deceptive on the basis of an artifice or ruse. subcutaneous: below the skin. subrogation: occupying the place of another; substitution.

Succubus (plural, succubi): an evil spirit or demon that assumed the form of a female and is supposed to lie under sleeping people, chiefly men, and to have sexual intercourse with them. See also incubus.

Supramasculinize: to masculinize in excess. Synonym supermasculinize. Antonym, inframasculinize.

Symbiosis (adjective, symbiotic): the dependence on one another's existence of two dissimilar organisms that live in close proximity and interaction.

Sympathetic nervous system: pertaining to that part of the autonomic nervous system which usually prepares the organism to deal more effectively with a situation of strife or emergency, as in fight or flight, the functions of which contrast with or reciprocate those of the parasympathetic system Paradoxically, the sympathetic system is also responsible for the physiological phenomenon of orgasm and/or ejaculation, but not sexual arousal. See also autonomic.nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system.

Symphorophilia: a paraphilia of the sacrificial/expiatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on stage-managing the possibility of a disaster, such as a conflagration or traffic accident, and watching for it to happen [from Greek, Symphora, disaster + -philia] The same term is applied to the reciprocal paraphilic condition in which the person arranges to be at risk as a potential victim of arranged disaster.

Synapse: in the nervous system, the place where the fibers of neurons meet [from Greek, synapsis, a conjunction or connection). syndrome: an unhealthy condition or disease typified by a characteristic set of signs and symptoms [from Greek, syn-, with + dramein, to run]; also, a regular and orderly concurrence of characteristics or practices.


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The Founder: "Alex" Caroline Robboy, LCSW, QSW, CAS

Ms. Robboy is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Center for Growth Inc and How To Have Good Sex Inc.  Alex practices marriage and family therapy and sex therapy, and also conducts periodic seminars about human sexuality throughout the northeastern United States.

Ms. Robboy graduated from the University of Pennsylvania where she earned a Masters degree in Social Work, a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Sexuality Education and a Post-Masters Certificate in Marriage Counseling & Sex Therapy. Through the American Board of Sexology, she is a board certified sexologist and through the American Association of Sex Educators Counselors and Therapists a certified sex therapist.  Additionally, she is a licensed clinical social worker and a member of the American Board of Marriage and Family Therapy.


  Our Philosophy sex is like dancing, it changes every time. It depends on culture, atmosphere and mood. Sometimes it is done alone, with a partner or in a group. It can be fast and hard or slow and soft. Sex is a combination of non-verbal negotiation and verbal cues: a scream, a twitch of the toes, or a flush of the face. There is no one 'right' way to move, only what feels good to all those involved. 
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