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Sex Dictionary
The Letter H
How To Have Good Sex, Inc.

Hallucinosis: a morbid condition, as in acute alcoholic hallucinosis, which is characterized by recurrent acute attacks marked by hallucinated auditory threats of persecution.

Haptic: having to do with touch and the sense of touch. 2. Pertaining to the skin feelings and the sense of touch.

Hebephilia: see ephebophilia.

Hemisphere: as applied to the brain, either its left or its right half.

Hermaphroditism: having genital attributes of both sexes [from Greek, Hermes and Aphrodite, god and goddess of love]. Some invertebrates are simultaneous hermaphrodites, and some fish are sequential hermaphrodites that change from male to female, or vice versa, once or more often in the course of a lifetime. In the human species, hermaphroditism is a form of birth defect, also known as intersexuality. It is defined as male or female hermaphroditism, if only testes or ovaries are present, respectively; as true hermaphroditism if both tissues are found as in ovotestes, and as gonadally dysgenic [dysgenetic?] when neither tissue is clearly differentiated. Human hermaphrodites do not have the complete sex organs of both sexes. A congenital condition of ambiguity of the reproductive structures so that the sex of the individual at birth is not clearly defined as exclusively male or exclusively female. The condition is named for Hermes and Aphrodite, the Greek god and goddess of love. See also pseudohermaphroditism.

Heterogeneous: dissimilar in type, and having different or opposing characteristics.

Heterophilia: (adjective, heterophilic): [the condition in which love and lust are attached to those of the other sex.] A condition of being in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon a partner of the other morphologic sex [from Greek, heteros other + -philia]. Synonym heteroerotic. See also heterosexualism.

Heterophobia (adjective heterophobic): the condition in which those whose love and lust are attached to persons of the other sex are dreaded or feared [from Greek, heteros, other + phobos, fear or fright]. See also homophobia.

Heterosexual (noun, heterosexuality): characterized by other-sex contact, either as a genital act or as a long-term sexuoerotic status [from Greek, heteros, other + sex]. It is analogous to right-handedness in being in conformity with the norm and therefore is not pathological in itself, though subject to other pathology. A heterosexual person is able to fall in love with, and become the pairbonded sexuoerotic partner of only a person of the other morphologic sex. Paraphilias occur predominantly in association with heterosexual pairing.

Heterosexualism: other-sex contact, either as a genital act or as a long term sexuoerotic status [from Greek, heteros, other + sex]. It is analogous to right-handedness in being in conformity with the norm and, therefore, not pathological in itself, though subject to other pathology. A heterosexual person is able to fall in love with, and become the pairbonded sexuoerotic partner of only a person of the other morphologic sex. Paraphilias occur predominantly in association with heterosexual pairing. Synonym, heterosexuality.

Heterosexuality: see heterosexualism.

Heterosexuality: erotosexual pairing with a partner of the complementary genital morphology. Its full manifestation includes falling in love; see also homosexuality.

Heuristic: serving to stimulate investigation; gaining knowledge through discovery.

Hijra: in India, the name given to a full-time female impersonator or gynemimetic, in some cases also a eunuch with partial surgical sex reassignment, who is a member of a traditional social organization, part cult and part caste, of hijras whose worship is of the goddess, Bahuchara Mata, and whose sexuoerotic role is as women with men. See also acault.

Hippocampus: a structure of the limbic system of the brain named for the resemblance of its curved shape to a sea horse. It is stiuated in the region of the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex and is important, among other things, in the processing of short-term memory. Synonym, Ammon's horn.

Hippocrates: the Greek physician (c. 460-377 B.C.) who is honored as the father of medicine.

Hirsutism: hairiness, especially excessive hairiness.

Histocompatibility: compatibility between different tissues, as in skin grafting or organ transplants, so that the immune mechanism of the host does not bring about the rejection of the graft or transplant. Histocompatibility antigen is expressed on male cells only, so that male cells may be recognized as foreign by the female immune system, if transplanted to a female.

Homicidophilia: see erotophonophilia ; lust murderism.

Homogeneous: of the same type, or having the same characteristics.

Homophilia (adjective, homophilic): [the condition in which love and lust are attached to those of the same sex]. A condition of being in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon a partner of the same morphologic sex [from Greek, homos, same + -philia]. Synonym, homoerotic. See also homosexualism; homosexuality.

Homophobia (adjective, homophobic): the condition in which those whose love and lust are attached to others of the same sex are dreaded or feared pathological fear of homosexualism. It is not itself a paraphilia, but may be associated with one, as in homophobic lust murder [from Greek, homos, same + phobos, fear or fright]. See also heterophobia. homophylophilia (Greek, homophylophilia verb, love or liking of the same sex) Homosexuality;

Homophylophile: noun, a homosexual;

Homophylophylic: adjective homosexology: sexological science as applied to homosexuality and its relationship to heterosexuality and bisexuality. Antonym, heterosexology.

Homosexual (noun, homosexuality): characterized by same-sex contact, either as a genital act or as a long-term sexuoerotic status [from Greek, homos, same + sex]. It is analogous to left-handedness in being not pathological in itself, though not conforming to the statistical nor the ideological norm, and not being exempt from other pathology. A homosexual person is able to fall in love with, and become the pairbonded sexuoerotic partner of only a person of the same morphologic sex. Homosexuality is not a paraphilia but a gender transposition, variable in extent and degree. Paraphilias may occur in association with either homosexual or heterosexual pairing.

Homosexualism: Synonym, homosexuality.

Homosexuality: see homosexual. erotosexual pairing with a partner of the same genital morphology. Its full manifestation includes falling in love; see also heterosexuality.

Hormonal cyclicity: regularly recurrent changes in the level of one or more hormones secreted into the bloodstream, for example, the changes in pituitary and ovarian hormones in synchrony with the menstrual cycle in women.

Hormonalize (noun, hormonalization): to change or shape by means of a hormone the outcome of development, for example as masculine or feminine, as manifested somatically or behaviorally.

Hormone: a chemical messenger secreted into the bloodstream from specialized glandular cells, including those of the endocrine glands, of the brain and neuroendocrine systems, and of some visceral tissues. It carries information to other cells and organs of the body. A body chemical secreted from specialized glandular cells, especially in the endocrine glands, and carried in the bloodstream for use in other parts and cells of the body. See also pheromone.

Hormonodynamics: hormonal changes that take place in synchrony with changes in other processes manifested within or by a living organism, and that are presumed to have a governing or determining effect.

Humiliation: one of the variable components of sadomasochism. Huntington's chorea: a chronic and progressive disease of the central nervous system characterized by irreguar body movements, disturbance of speech, and gradually increasing mental deterioration. It is hereditary in origin and is transmitted as a genetic dominant.

Hustler: a person who works with energy and persistence, especially in marketing. As applied to sex, it is a vernacular term especially for males who earn money by servicing women or other men of a more effeminate disposition than their own.

H-Y antigen: Y-chromosome-induced histocompatibility antigen. It is believed to adhere to the surface of all male mammalian cells, including the Y-bearing sperm of fertilization. In the course of normal embryogenesis, it is held responsible for programing the cells of the undifferentiated gonadal anlage into a testis.

Hybridization: the mixing of two varities, races, species, types or sub-types by cross breeding.

Hybristophilia: a paraphilia of the marauding/predatory type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation and attainment of orgasm are responsive to and [dependent upon] {contingent on} being with a partner known to have committed an outrage or crime, such as rape, murder, or armed robbery [from Greek, hybridzein, to commit an outrage against someone + -philia]. The partner may have served a prison sentence as a convicted criminal, or may be instigated by the hybristophile to commit a crime and so be convicted and sent to prison.

Hyperorgasmia: the phenomenon of having an inordinate number of orgasms within a given period, as compared with a given criterion standard.

Hyperparathyroidism: excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid glands, which are situated alongside the thyroid gland in the throat, and which play a role in regulating the amount of calcium in blood and body tissues.

Hyperphilia: a condition or syndrome, variable in etiology and diagnosis, of being sexuoerotically above standard or inordinate, particularly with respect to some aspect of genital functioning prior to and at the acceptive phase. supranormal in sexual and genital responsiveness or frequency.

Hyphephilia: one of a group of paraphilias of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which the sexuoerotic stimulus is associated with the touching, rubbing, or the feel of skin, hair, leather, fur, and fabric, especially if worn in proximity to erotically significant parts of the body [from Greek, hyphe, web + -philia]. hypertrophy (adjective, hypertrophied, hypertrophic): over-development in size of an organ or of its constituent cells; synonym, hyperplasia; antonym, atrophy.

Hypophilia: a condition or syndrome, variable in etiology and diagnosis, of being sexuoerotically substandard or deficient, particularly with respect to some aspect of genital functioning at the acceptive phase; impaired or deficient in sexual and genital responsiveness or frequency. For examples, see Table 5-4 in text.

Hypopituitarism: a generalized endocrine deficiency condition produced by failure, either partial or complete, of the pituitary gland to secrete its proper hormones. Failure after surgery for a puituitary tumor is usually complete. Idiopathic failure may be either complete or partial. In some instances, partial failure may involve chiefly the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, the hormones that stimulate the ovaries or the testes to produce their own hormones. hypospadias (adjective. hypospadiac): a birth defect in the positioning of the urinary opening on the penis. In mild hypospadias, the opening is only slightly displaced from the tip of the penis. In severe hypospadias, the opening is in the female position, and the penis has an open gutter on its underside, instead of a covered urinary canal. A hypospadiac penis may be normal sized or small. 2. A birth defect in the male in which the urinary opening is on the underside of the shaft of the penis anywhere from the glans (first degree) to the perineum (third degree or penoscrotal hypospadias). A small penis with a severe degree of hypospadias is identical in appearance with an enlarged clitoris below which is a single opening or urogenital sinus leading to both the urethra and the vagina. Artificial hypospadias may occur as a sequel to an injury, as in a circumcision accident, or be self-inflicted. See also micropenis (microphallus).

Hermaphroditismhypothalamus: a structure of the diencephalic part of the brain of special importance in governing vital functions, including sex, by releasing neurohumoral substances from nerve cells which, in turn, govern the hormones of the nearby pituitary gland, and also the behavior of mating. a structure of the diencephalon; a portion of the brain of special importance in regulating vital functions, including sex, by means of the release of neurohumoral substances from the nerve cells. These substances in turn regulate the nearby pituitary gland.

Hypothyroidism: deficiency of tyroid hormone; the opposite of hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland is in the throat, near the larynx or Adam's apple.

Hypoxyphilia: asphyxiophilia [from Latin, hypoxia, oxygen deprivation + -philia].

Hysterectomy: surgical removal of the uterus or womb [from Greek, hystera, womb + ektome, excision].


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The Founder: "Alex" Caroline Robboy, LCSW, QSW, CAS

Ms. Robboy is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Center for Growth Inc and How To Have Good Sex Inc.  Alex practices marriage and family therapy and sex therapy, and also conducts periodic seminars about human sexuality throughout the northeastern United States.

Ms. Robboy graduated from the University of Pennsylvania where she earned a Masters degree in Social Work, a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Sexuality Education and a Post-Masters Certificate in Marriage Counseling & Sex Therapy. Through the American Board of Sexology, she is a board certified sexologist and through the American Association of Sex Educators Counselors and Therapists a certified sex therapist.  Additionally, she is a licensed clinical social worker and a member of the American Board of Marriage and Family Therapy.


  Our Philosophy sex is like dancing, it changes every time. It depends on culture, atmosphere and mood. Sometimes it is done alone, with a partner or in a group. It can be fast and hard or slow and soft. Sex is a combination of non-verbal negotiation and verbal cues: a scream, a twitch of the toes, or a flush of the face. There is no one 'right' way to move, only what feels good to all those involved. 
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